The Ransom: Haiti's Stolen Wealth

This is a three-part series of virtual conversations focused on increasing our collective understanding of what happened after HAITI became the first Black independent nation in the western hemisphere. The New York Times published a comprehensive account of the ransom, the lost billions, the true cost of freedom and its present-day impacts. With an ever-growing call for accountability to address historical wrongs, we ask that you join us as we hold space to learn and galvanize communities towards collective action.
The Virtual Conversation Series

Part 1 featured the New York Times journalists Catherine Porter and Constant Meheut with esteemed Haitian journalists Magalie Laguerre-Wilkinson and Joel Dreyfuss.

Part 2 focused on why we must stop repeating that Haiti is the poorest country of the Western Hemisphere and debunking disempowering narratives moderated by renowned Haitian-American novelist Edwidge Danticat and guest speakers Jessica Geneus, Dr. Mame Fatou Niang and Dr. Marlene Daut.

Part 3 conversation focused on the impact of Haiti's independence debt and the US occupation and explore opportunities to build a global movement for reparations. Guest speakers include Michele Pierre-Louis President-FOKAL, Jean Casimir- Former Haiti Ambassador and Historian, Dr. Julianne Malveaux-President Emerita at Bennett College, Dr. Amara Enyia-Transnational Policy Expert and moderated by Vladimir Duthiers at CBS.