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Little Haiti Book Festival 2023 Online
Creole in Context: The Challenges and Opportunities of Promoting Haitian Creole Language and Culture. This panel will examine the status of Haitian Creole language and culture, exploring the issues of language, writing, and reading that have arisen over time.
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Little Haiti Book Festival 2023 Online
Creole in Context: The Challenges and Opportunities of Promoting Haitian Creole Language and Culture. This panel will examine the status of Haitian Creole language and culture, exploring the issues of language, writing, and reading that have arisen over time.

Emeline Michele In Celebration of Women's History Month
in honor of International Women’s Day, the Haitian Ladies Network in collaboration with the Kennedy Center, will feature and celebrate the music of Emeline Michel, a trailblazing Creole singer who has become a symbol of Haitian cultural pride and resilience.

Haitians at Harvard
The Haitian at Harvard is proud to welcome Carel Pedre, the most influential media personality in Haiti on March 3rd from 4pm to 6pm at the Smith Center in Harvard Square.

US Immigration Sponsorship Free Info Session
Haitian Ladies Network partnered with Haitian Bridge Alliance's Guerline Jozef and Nadine Gedeon, Esq., President of the Haitian Lawyers Associations to host a free virtual informational session about the new US Immigration Sponsorship Program.

Do You Qualify For Loan Forgiveness?
Every wonder if you qualify for loan forgiveness and how to apply? Join us on August 24th, 2022 at 8pm with the Federal Student Aid, Department of Education as they discuss.

One Year Later, Now What? Haiti Earthquake Update
Following the earthquake that struck Haiti’s southern peninsula the morning of August 14, 2021, Zanmi Lasante mobilized an immediate response to address the most urgent needs.